Use case
Private Payments

Send & Receive Payments Privately
“Why does Joe make more than me when we do the same thing?”
Internal toxicity from employees tracking each other's transfers
External knowledge of the company's pay structure
Tracking the flows back to the company's treasury wallet(s), thereby exposing sensitive treasury information
“Did you see project X is burning cash?”

01. Execution
Projects set-up private payment flows through a designated platform and send payments to designated recipients

02. Receive
Payment receivers can have peace of mind knowing the received amount can't be traced back to their wallet
The Singularity difference: 100% Compliant and Private from start-to-finsh

Payment Platforms
SDK available for backend integration to enable optionality of privacy for end users

Project Teams
Project teams that execute on-chain payments in any form can use Singularity or its payroll partners to enable Private Payroll for their tokens

Employees, Contractors, Clients, Subscriptions, etc